When you first think about it, it seems to make sense. Getting a decent looking eBook or any other digital product cover on Fiverr is not going to happen. Show me a designer who would be willing to spend any significant of time on an eCover for a mere $5. The only way these type … [Read more...]
The Secret To Making Quality 3D Digital Product Covers
Knowing what works and what doesn't work when it comes to digital products is the starting point of making real money. An important and often underestimated component is a digital product cover. Creating one may sound easy, but the truth is you can't just throw one together … [Read more...]
Why pay attention to eCover design
There are many people around the world who have an online business selling digital products. They spend a good amount on marketing but often do not get their desired return on investment. Perhaps this is happening to you as well. I was in the same boat not that long ago. We fully … [Read more...]
An eCover Can Be Both Elegant And Effective
The concept of beauty and brains is popular because of its peculiarity. It's a fascinating and rare combination which stimulates people's interest. It's been talked about countless of times in the past, and never seems to gets old. So why is it then that it's very rare to find … [Read more...]